Nzd na usd anz graf
Klouzavý průměr SMA 100 současně již překřížil směrem pod klouzavý průměr SMA 200, což může být signál pro medvědy. 10/3/2021 Novozélandské dolary (NZD) na 1 americký dolar (USD) Graf zobrazuje historické směnné kurzy mezi novozélandským dolarem (NZD) a americkým dolarem (USD) v období od 28.02.2020 do 04.01.2021 ANZ offers a range of personal banking services such as internet banking, bank accounts, credit cards, home loans, personal loans, travel and international, investment and insurance. Learn about easy and secure ways to manage your money. 9/3/2021 Ve výše uvedené tabulce jsou uvedeny kurzy novozélandského dolaru k cizím měnám zemí Asie a Pacifiku.
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Mar 10, 2021 · New Zealand Dollar Exchange Rates Table Converter Top 10 Mar 10, 2021 20:13 UTC. New Zealand Dollar 1.00 NZD US Dollar: 0.719362: 1.390121: Venezuelan Bolivar: 7 Oct 07, 2020 · For example, if the AUD to NZD exchange rate is 1.1000, then $1.00 Australian dollar is worth NZD $1.10. You divide 1 by 1.1000 to find the NZD/AUD exchange rate of 0.9090. In this example, $1.00 New Zealand dollar is equivalent to AUD $0.9090 or approximately 91 Australian cents. We calculated the "Big 4" bank 2020 NZDAUD forecasts for you.
usd/eur: 1,1956: 1,1957-0,13: czk/gbp: 30,4695: 30,5197: 0,13: czk/chf: 23,6102: 23,6559: 0,20: 3mczkd: 0,0900: 0,1400-18,18: 10yczks: 1,7100: 1,7400: 0,29: 10yusds: 1,5970: 1,6370: 0,25
NZD/USD’s next support Pro analýzu aktuálního a historického směnného kurzu NZD vůči USD použijte naše živé grafy 5 let NZD k USD v reálném čase. NZD USD Graf 5 let - NZD k USD Napište prosím recenzi na During last 30 days average exchange rate of New Zealand Dollar in US Dollars was 0.72439 USD for 1 NZD.The highest price of NZ Dollar in US Dollar was Thu, 25 Feb 2021 when 1 NZ Dollar = 0.7442 US Dollar. Obchodujte na forexe s využitím pákového efektu.
Feb 20, 2021 · GBP to NZD currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for British Pound to New Zealand Dollar allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years.
Nyní je cena v poměrně uzkém koridoru a může prorazit na jakoukoliv stranu. 31/1/2019 Vývoj měnového páru AUD/NZD (1hodinový graf - H1): Podobná situace nastává i na měnovém páru USD/PLN. I zde se vyskytuje trojúhelníková formace uvnitř rostoucího trendového kanálu.
Find the latest NZD/USD (NZDUSD=X) currency exchange rate, plus historical data, charts, relevant news and more Compare the New Zealand dollar with foreign currencies available from ANZ, and see options on transferring money into NZ or overseas. Overall, NZD/USD is ranging across.
Overall, NZD/USD is ranging across. Currently, NZD/USD is testing to break above the key level of 0.72. Its next support zone is at 0.71000 and the next resistance zone is at 0.72850. Look for buying opportunities of NZD/USD. 1 NZD = 0.721131 USD. New Zealand Dollar to US Dollar Conversion. Last updated: 2021-02-10 22:48 UTC. All figures are live mid-market rates, which are not available to consumers and are for informational purposes only.
NZD to Dollar forecast on Wednesday, March, 10: exchange rate 0.7235 US Dollars, maximum 0.7344, minimum 0.7126. Nzd to usd anz graph. It is often referred to as trading the kiwi because the 1 coin depicts the kiwi bird. Exchange rates graphs nzd aud anz. Nzd usd chart anz.
Stop-Loss u této pozice banka umístila na hladinu 1,0275 a Profit-Target na hladinu 1,0620. Overall, NZD/USD is ranging across. Recently, NZD/USD bounced off the support zone of 0.71000. Yesterday, Auckland’s COVID-19 pandemic alert level had moved to level 2 while the rest of New Zealand had moved to level 1. The New Zealand preliminary ANZ business confidence data (Forecast: NA, Previous: 7.0 revised from 11.8) will be released tomorrow at 0800 (SGT). NZD/USD’s next support Overall, NZD/USD is ranging across.
Our currency rankings show that the most popular new zealand dollar exchange rate is the usd to nzd rate. ANZ Bank's foreign exchange rates for Buy and Sell transactions. Currencies crossed with the NZD include AUD, USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD, INR and more.
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A historical snapshot of the value of the New Zealand dollar (NZD) exchange rate . Our charts span from 1985, when the NZD was floated, through to the most
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In the beginning rate at 0.771 US Dollars. High exchange rate 0.771, low 0.741. The average for the month 0.759.