Claymore mining github


Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0. 28 Aug 2019. As both Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC) are getting close to the Epoch  

For other Ethash coins Claymore can be used for mining with AMD and Nvidia rigs, Windows and Linux mining systems, and it is easy to set up. The dev fee for mining with client is 1% for single-coin mining and 2% for dual mining. 2GB and 3GB cards can mine without fee. Github doesnt want to host the code, then Claymore will migrate to another service. Not really a big deal, it's not like Claymore is going to stop updating their repo. Is Github retarded, yes, but this is easily resolved by switching providers. Follow the path above to download Claymore mining software.

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The latest version of Claymore Dual v14.7 – Supercharged Edition: Now the miner driver does not require switching Windows to test mode. Start mining effectively with your computer or smartphone. Squeeze the most profit automining coins with the highest rates. Download, discussion, pool settings: Zcash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Bytecoin, Monero, Monero-Classic, DigitalNote, Aeon coin, GRIN Ethereum-only mining mode is supported as well.

Mar 19, 2017 · -li low intensity mode. Reduces mining intensity, useful if your cards are overheated. Note that mining speed is reduced too. More value means less heat and mining speed, for example, "-li 10" is less heat and mining speed than "-li 1". You can also specify values for every card, for example "-li 3,10,50". Default value is "0" - no low

Note that previous versions support up to #299 epoch, you will not be able to use old versions after #299 epoch. added support for Navi cards (ETH-only mode).

We will be using ethminer but the below is also applicable for claymore. Visit the releases page on GitHub and download the latest version (ethminer-X.YY.Z-Linux.tar.gz). As of the time of writing (July 2017), the project has a proper build pipline setup for both Windows and Linux x64, so there should be no need to compile it yourself.

Contribute to nanopool/Claymore-XMR- Miner development by creating an account on GitHub. Claymore's CryptoNote GPU Miner. Contribute to nanopool/Claymore-XMR- Miner development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to claymore-miner/Claymore- Dual-Miner development by creating  Generate log files from Claymores Dual Ethereum Miner. Easy-to-work-with format - bobdobs/claymore-ethereum-log-genereator. GUI interface for Claymore's Ethereum/Zcash/Other miners with dual coin support if the miner supports it. Still in alpha stages; very basic in design but does what  Claymore's CryptoNote Windows CPU Miner.

It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64. 59.3k members in the EtherMining community. Discussion of mining the cryptocurrency Ethereum.

In this guide we will set up a miner with Luxor, a US-based mining pool that operates based on the pay-per-share (PPS) payment method. Configuring Claymore. "-  BIOSTAR Miner Config Batch File Generator will automatically produce a BAT file to include every required command in a BAT file package, containing your mining information: crypto currency name, mining Download Claymore Dual Miner: .. A: Any miner like Claymore Miner, zcash-miner, zogminer, nhequiminer. spec Start your miner using the following command & replace userName. Find out more information and tips at: globalminer claymore-zcash proxypool1 proxywallet& Aug 27, 2019 List of supported miners:AMD: XMRig AMD (Monero) - xmrig-amd Claymore's Dual (Ethereum) - Apr 11, 2016 Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0 (Windows/Linux) MIX can be obtained either by mining it or by purchasing it.

Contribute to Claymore-Dual/ Claymore-Dual-Miner development by creating an account on GitHub. AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner - nanopool/ Claymore-Dual-Miner. GPU/CPU Mining script with intelligent profit-switching between miningpools, algorithms, miners, using all possible combinations of devices (NVIDIA, AMD,  Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred_Siacoin_Lbry AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner - nanopool/Claymore-Dual-Miner. Claymore's CryptoNote GPU Miner. Contribute to nanopool/Claymore-XMR- Miner development by creating an account on GitHub. Claymore's CryptoNote GPU Miner.

Easy-to-work-with format - bobdobs/claymore-ethereum-log-genereator. GUI interface for Claymore's Ethereum/Zcash/Other miners with dual coin support if the miner supports it. Still in alpha stages; very basic in design but does what  Claymore's CryptoNote Windows CPU Miner. Contribute to nanopool/Claymore- XMR-CPU-Miner development by creating an account on GitHub. Jun 5, 2018 Claymore 11.8 NoFee Ethereum Miner Download Executable is patched so you don't have to do anything, just start mining. Once devfee mining  Optionally, "psw" field is added to requests is the password for remote management is set for miner. The following commands are available (JSON format):.

How to start mining: Download the suitable version for your operating system and create a folder for it; Download the .bat file for the currency you want to mine; Place the .bat file into the folder with the downloaded miner; Open the file and change YOUR_EMAIL to your MinerGate email if you weren't logged in when downloading it; Run the miner Claymore’s Dual Miner For a long time, Claymore has been the most popular mining software for Ethereum and other Dagger-Hashimoto coins, including Ethereum Classic, Pirl, Callisto and Expanse. The software worked beautifully with the Nvidia and AMD graphics cards and was easy to set up. For other Ethash coins Claymore can be used for mining with AMD and Nvidia rigs, Windows and Linux mining systems, and it is easy to set up. The dev fee for mining with client is 1% for single-coin mining and 2% for dual mining. 2GB and 3GB cards can mine without fee.

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Finally Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0 (Windows/Linux) has been released. v15.0: now miner supports up to #384 epoch (4GB DAG size). Note that previous versions support up to #299 epoch, you will not be able to use old versions after #299 epoch. added support for Navi cards (ETH-only mode).

Squeeze the most profit automining coins with the highest rates. Download, discussion, pool settings: Zcash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Bytecoin, Monero, Monero-Classic, DigitalNote, Aeon coin, GRIN Ethereum-only mining mode is supported as well. - Effective Ethereum mining speed is higher by 3-5% because of a completely different miner code - much less invalid and outdated shares, higher GPU load, optimized OpenCL code, optimized assembler kernels. - Supports both AMD and nVidia cards, even mixed.

MIX can be obtained either by mining it or by purchasing it. In order to mine Download from Linux.

Download Ethereum Miner (Updated 2020). Contribute to Claymore-Dual/ Claymore-Dual-Miner development by creating an account on GitHub. Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred_Siacoin_Lbry AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner - nanopool/Claymore-Dual-Miner. Download Ethereum Miner (Updated 2020). Contribute to Claymore-Dual/ Claymore-Dual-Miner development by creating an account on GitHub. AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner - nanopool/ Claymore-Dual-Miner.

Jul 27, 2014 · I'd like to try out the Claymore miner because they advertise dual mining. When I browse to the GitHub site to download I get the big red warning message in the edge browser saying the site is unsafe.